⚡ “the world is headed for a fully electrified transport, not just the cars, but also aircraft and boats." Elon Musk
🚗 Competitors have discounted their EVs which has been a challenge for Tesla. They see it as a short term issue. I think the second-hand market is going to be an interesting component of this.
😊 "We pride ourselves to be the company with the most American-made cars and are continuing our journey to further localize our supply chain, not just in the U.S., but in Europe and China as well." The influence of tarrifs and the international order influences that.
🔋 The energy business, this is growing faster than anything else. Battery storage changes the economics and engineering of green energy profoundly.
🚕 "anyone who doesn't believe that Tesla would solve vehicle autonomy should not hold Tesla stock. They should sell their Tesla stock. If you believe Tesla will solve autonomy, you should buy Tesla stock." Elon Musk
🈺 Robotaxi is set to combine Uber and AirBnB models.
📶 The key performance indicator is (the increase in) miles between intervention. This is the one to watch.
🖥 They're using AI to enable "better cost control, more scale, quicker time to market, and a superior product".
😟 They're increasing the range and expanding the supercharging network to combat range anxiety.
💲 They expect the year to be over $10 billion in capex. We reverted to positive free cash flow of $1.3 billion in Q2 and they ended the quarter with over $30 billion of cash and investments. The collective investment in innovation in the US poses a challenge to European productivity.
🆕 "Alone in Q2, over two-thirds of our sales were to -- deliveries were to people who had never owned a Tesla before." Tesla is pursuing market share from incumbents.
8️⃣ "I think the long-term value of Optimus will exceed that of everything else that Tesla combined. There are 8 billion people on earth. So it's 8 billion right there." Elon Musk. I'm very very cynical about this number quantifying realistic retail demand.