I’m in “Piazza della Scienza” in hashtag #Milan and thought it to be the ideal place to share 12 insights I’ve learned about tomorrow’s talent from working with thousands of Savvy Teens .
I often talk about my “thinking breakfasts” and in this video, I explain why I do them, the process I’ve honed, the things I do in them and what happens when I don’t.
I've been in Australia for the past three weeks and had some time to think, reflect, read etc and wanted to share 8 life lessons that may be of use to you.
It’s been an interesting year full of challenges, opportunities, uncertainty and change. 2022 offers a fresh perspective, a new start and a whole new chapter for your business to write.
On Tuesday 28th July, I had the opportunity to share some of my early experiences of taking on our first employee. Sometimes I had to cringe telling stories of
The post The seven secret questions that every new employer secretly asks themselves (and how to answer them) appeared first on "The Positive Economist" Financial - Economics - Fintech & Entrepreneurship Articles.
The Irish doing business in Asia: where to start for a successful Asian strategy As Irish people, we’ve made our presence very positively felt in the US, the UK and
The post The Irish doing business in Asia: where to start for a successful Asian strategy appeared first on "The Positive Economist" Financial - Economics - Fintech & Entrepreneurship Articles.
What is the Irish position in Brexit developments? As I am writing this piece, I am sitting in a “boulangerie” on the “Avenue of the Americas” in New York. The
The post What is the Irish position in Brexit developments? A Brexit Irish SWOT analysis appeared first on "The Positive Economist" Financial - Economics - Fintech & Entrepreneurship Articles.