Making An Impact Thats Lasts

We work with clients to achieve social, economic and environmental impact that gives back to communities and society across the world.  We categorise our actions under Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I), Sustainability and The UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Diversity, Equity And Inclusion

In all our business, we practice the following actions that help us promote and achieve your diversity, equity and inclusion goals.

“At Hayes Culleton, we feel very strongly about giving back; to us, being in business is integral to “doing our part” in the wider society.”

Susan Hayes Culleton

Sustainable Development Goals

Our team is also conscious of how our work aligns with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. We have highlighted four of the goals that best align with our DE&I initiatives. 

Quality Education

We support quality education through initiatives like the Money Matters Book and Sponsorships, providing free financial and business education to young people in schools, the Engineering In The World Book and the Leaving Cert Curriculum Book, which is regularly updated for students in Ireland.

Decent Work And Economic Growth

We contribute to decent work and economic growth by offering skills development and mentorship opportunities for young people to understand the world of STEM and other industries, helping them build skills and confidence for their future careers.

We also speak to audiences of entrepreneurs and business owners alike about how to start, manage and grow their businesses. 

Gender Equality

Gender equality is promoted through projects like Savvy Women, which empower women with financial skills and business knowledge, and through ensuring diversity and inclusion.

We also address gender gaps in various industries by promoting opportunities for young women to pursue further education in the field. 

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

We align with this goal by investing in innovative thinking and technology, such as the proprietary algorithm used by Active Peers AI to match individuals for optimal learning and skills development, and by engaging in partnerships that foster industry and infrastructure development.

Education Transforms


We work with sponsors who want to purchase class sets of Money Matters to provide free financial and business education to young people in schools.

We produced the book with the support of CFA Society Ireland and worked with Edco to distribute it to every single secondary schools in Ireland. We help match sponsors with schools that achieve their diversity and inclusion goals while maximising the impact of each collaboration. 

We worked with co-authors and our publishing partner Edco to develop and continue regularly updating the Leaving Cert economics textbook available for Leaving Cert students in Ireland.

We worked with co-authors and our publishing partner Edco to develop the first dedicated Engineering book for transition year students.

Have a concern, goal or idea that you need help planning or implementing?

We Can Help

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